React Native Setup - For windows


1 min read

Recently I was trying to set up react native on my Windows machine and I found it a bit tricky, so I thought of giving everyone my installation experience.

Steps -

1] Install Node js on your system.

2] Install Java SDK ( software development kit) from any website.

3] Install Android Studio.

After installing all these we need to ensure the environment variables configuration -

You must first add these 2 in your "path" variable based on your system locations.

Then you need to set these 2 as environment variables in your system.

Then open Android Studio and setup a device like this -

Now start the emulator and create a new folder for your 1st React native app

Within the folder run the following commands -

1] npx react-native init your_app_name

2] npx react-native run-android

If all the paths and things are installed and set properly, then you will get the output in the emulator as -

Now , its all set , pick a tutorial from anywhere and start coding ๐Ÿ˜Ž
